Well, despite all the homework I HAVE to do right away, I couldn't help myself... Firefox 1.0 came out today!!! If you are still running Internet Explorer.. you are probably a bad person, but, redemption can be yours for the price of a 5 meg download! Just go to
www.mozilla.org. If you are a hard-core individual, or feeling a bit on the adventuresome side, you can also get an optimized build, which will most likely be faster and better. I sometimes use the ones produced by
MOOX. Make sure to do a little reading on his web site to find out which build is right for you.
So now that an Open Source browser is completely destroying the closed source one from Microsoft in terms of quality, can we move on to making an open source voting system? From some recent articles, summed up nicely in this
Slashdot Post, it looks like the voting system we have didn't do so hot.... Maybe Bush didn't win the popular vote after all?