Thursday, May 12, 2005


So I was wondering.. if you are a pro-lifer, do you start calculating age at the day of conception? Since "pro-life" seems to be the way the country is headed (George et. al.), maybe we ought to throw out this whole "birthday" idea, and adopt "conceptionday" in it's stead. This is a whole new war yet to be fought between the pro-choicers and pro-lifers, and of course, the pro-choicers will all end up being 9 months younger, which could sway those who are worried about old-age towards a pro-choice stance. Still, it would be more compatible with what appear to be the up-and-coming social views (who cares whether they are biologically sound anyway). And lets not forget about the interesting impact on legal drinking age.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The rain was accompanied by a lot of hail. Here it has collected in screens. Posted by Hello

Finally, an excuse for all these big pickups! Posted by Hello

Luckily the houses are kind of raised. Posted by Hello

This car wasn't doing too well. Posted by Hello

The trailer park across the street got a LOT of water. Posted by Hello

Last Friday we got a lot of rain fast (2.7 in a few hours). Caldwell isn't really geared for this sort of thing, so the following madness ensued. This is the parkinglot of the place where I work. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Here's me, in all my roguish Punk Dawg glory... Posted by Hello

The World (of Warcraft) as a rouge see's it. Ariia, Dio, some hunter named Phrosty (?) and I ran through Blackfathoms Deep. After we finished up with the huge three headed dragon, we came back for some photos Posted by Hello