Thursday, May 12, 2005


So I was wondering.. if you are a pro-lifer, do you start calculating age at the day of conception? Since "pro-life" seems to be the way the country is headed (George et. al.), maybe we ought to throw out this whole "birthday" idea, and adopt "conceptionday" in it's stead. This is a whole new war yet to be fought between the pro-choicers and pro-lifers, and of course, the pro-choicers will all end up being 9 months younger, which could sway those who are worried about old-age towards a pro-choice stance. Still, it would be more compatible with what appear to be the up-and-coming social views (who cares whether they are biologically sound anyway). And lets not forget about the interesting impact on legal drinking age.


Anonymous said...

You know Sam in a lot of cultures in Asia and the Middle East you are considered 1 year old when born...even Japan was that way before WW2 when they adopted the western tradition...

T said...

We still do :)