Thursday, July 21, 2005


Abo pointed me towards this page the other day.

From the page:

* If we raise fuel efficiency standards in American cars by one mile per gallon, in one year, we would save twice the amount of oil that could be obtained from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

* Raising it by 2.7 mpg would save enough to eliminate all the oil imports from Iraq and Kuwait combined

* Raising it by 7.6 mpg would save enough to eliminate 100% of our gulf oil imports into this country

So.. why don't we just make cars more freaking efficient? Wouldn't that be a lot less painful that going to war with Iraq, drilling in various reserves, and furthering global warming? (Oh, I guess it wouldn't make as much money for the administration..)
(Note, a 1992 honda civic gets about 45mpg on the freeway... we haven't come very far in fuel efficiency.)

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