Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I made it back from the BRIN/INBRE conference. It was quite exciting. Lots of smart influential people working hard at setting Idaho up to be a major player in the emerging Bio-technology industry. I listened to a lot of talks, met a lot of the key people doing research in Idaho, and started getting an idea of where I might fit in this exciting new field. Biology and computers, together at last. It is almost as good as "beer that has candy floating in it".
In other exciting news, one of my best friends of all time, LaDonne is here today, and coming to visit! I haven't seen her since her wedding at least a year ago so it will be great to catch up on everything that has happened to us.

1 comment:

davegkugler said...

There aren't many things better are there (to both the beer and the biology). ;)