Yesterday Tshering came over and taught me the fine art of crepe making. They are actually quite easy; eggs + flour + milk + sugar, stir them until they are well mixed, and go heavy on the milk. Then pour a very thin layer on a hot oiled pan. Turn them after a bit so they don't burn. They sort of act like a tortilla shell when finished, you can wrap meat in them, and probably all sorts of other things. We had jelly on ours. Here Tshering demonstrates proper crepe flipping technique.

Well, I am not a good cook. So, I don't know if people can really learn from me. Yay! Physic is Phun. good luck
Mmmm I hate crepes! Sorry... just another drive by blog comment.
How can you hate crepes? It's so good. Well, I hate pancakes, so i guess its ok to hate crepes.
Yeah, I guess I don't hate them enough to post twice on the subject, or do I?
Gosh, all this over a few crepes? Blogger will go under if we ever get to curry. Hum, I wonder if there are such things as curry crepes....
Yeah Curry fucking rules!
Curry Crepes?
Oh God!
Don't make fun of my crepes. lol
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