Saturday, November 27, 2004

Smart Car (for smart people)

Wow, 60mpg, and kinda cool looking too. Of course, it is tiny, but hey, makes parking easier! Apparently they have been okay'ed for import finally. If I ever get a new car, maybe this will be it. Go check it out. Posted by Hello


Sam said...

Yeah, you are right, despite the fact that these would have a huge impact on pollution, traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and greatly ease parking problems they are pretty damn un-American. I probably better get one of these instead! I mean, it's only like $54,700. Very affordable, and I could run over those little smart cars for fun! (because as we all know.. in George Bush's America, might makes right)

Ines Tucakovic said...


Anonymous said...

so finally you can get this nice car too... here in europe you can find them everywhere and they often have their own xxs-parking spaces :) it also exists a "smart forfour", which is for 4 small and smart people! anne (te acuerdas de mi?)

Anonymous said...

These cars are great, I saw them all over europe. Sam when are you going to make the great drive into Boise againa and visit me? -jim