Thursday, September 30, 2004

Close encounters with the third kind

Well, life has been an interesting endeavor in balancing huge quantities of work (both school and of the employment variety), limited sleep, and a little social interaction these last few weeks. It is fun and challenging, but good lord, O-Chem is going to kill me.
Yesterday my frantic schedule was broken by an unwelcome intruder. I was home for a quick bite of lunch before physics, and just before I left, I noticed that water was welling up from the drains in the downstairs bathroom. These were not the waters of heaven however, they had a look and smell about them which is best left to your imagination. Needless to say, I skipped physics. After placing a call to the Caldwell water dept (thanks to Beth for clear thought in a moment of crises), and a few hours of bailing furiously (more thanks to Beth for hauling buckets), my basement was mostly saved from flooding. A battery backup got a little damp (but seems to be working), and a small section of carpet also got soaked. I gave everything involved a good dose of clorox water however, so I think all of the bacteria have probably lost membrane potential by now. My parents (bless their hearts) came out the same night with a carpet cleaner, and things are pretty much back to normal. The neighbors got hit much worse. They just moved in a few months ago, and have been working to finish their basement since then. Apparently they had just gotten sheetrock, carpet, etc finished. Their basement must be a few inches deeper because they had about 5 or 6 inches of water sitting in it all day. The disaster cleanup people were there pumping water out until late in the night.
According to the water-guy, the blockage was caused by massive grease dumping somewhere in my neighborhood. Apparently the pipe had been cleaned just 6 months earlier, and usually only needs cleaned once every two years. The school across the street is a major suspect of course. So, the moral of the story is DON'T DUMP GREASE DOWN THE DRAIN!

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