Tuesday, July 13, 2004

More Linux

Today marks another stride towards Linux World Domination as the New Zealand stock exchange moves their database to Linux servers! Apparently Oracle has produced a database server which runs on top of a stripped down Linux kernel which performs only the basic functions that a database server needs. Because Linux is open source, Oracle was able to remove all of the extra stuff which one wouldn't want on a database server, and do any tweaking they found necessary. This process leaves them with a lean mean machine which apparently is very efficient, cheap (they run it on standard Intel compatible hardware like servers from Dell) and of course very stable (because it IS stil Linux).
My favorite quote:
"We went for Linux, not just because we hated Microsoft, but because the cost was compelling,"

And... another day, another FOUR Internet Explorer security exploits. If you are still using IE by this point you might want to have your head examined.

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